English 1 (Period 6)
Course Description
ELA 9 College Prep is a full-year college preparatory English class. Students study grammar, literature, composition, and vocabulary development. Reading skills, paragraph writing and writing concepts are stressed. Students study various types of multicultural literature including poetry, drama, short stories, novels and prose. Composition skills include developing paragraphs, essays, and research projects. Students will also develop speaking skills through practice with informal discussions and formal presentations.
Ninth grade is a critical transition year for most students. English is a required course for all four years of high school. At several junctures in the school year, students will be asked to perform independently on teacher made assessments as well as district level assessments in reading and writing. These assessments will measure their ability to independently and critically read a piece of text and write about that text. Throughout the year, assignments have been designed to prepare students for these assessments, success in their remaining high school English classes and ultimately for students to be college and career ready in ELA when they graduate. Homework assignments will be carefully chosen to strengthen skills but parents and students are encouraged to structure time outside of school for reading, writing and oral speaking opportunities in English.
*Students will work independently as well as with partners and in groups. There will be opportunities for projects using technology. Readings will be both fiction and non-fiction.
*Grading will occur on a variety of assignments, including warm-up activities, in-class assignments, homework, class participation, group work, assessments, and presentations.
*Students, please do not ask about grades during class time, I am available before and after school as well as lunchtime.